Dorothie Jones
30 Sept 2023
May to September
Here is the list of dates for fetes and fairs that the club will be attending this year, so please put them in your calendars.
May 13th Hyde Heath Village Fete
June 24th Chalfont St Peter Feast Day
July 16th Chenies Manor Plant Fair (Sunday)
Sept 2nd Chalfont St Giles Show and Club Honey Show
Sept 30th Farnham Common Orchard Day
Nearer the time we will be sending out specific requests for helpers on our stall at each of these events but if anybody already feels able to commit to any of them then please do get in touch. We need a good number of volunteers so please put your names forward.
We will be sending out updated information about how to deliver your honey for sale on the stall, but this year we ask that if you want us to sell your honey, you volunteer to help out at at least one of our events. We think this is only fair.
Further information from Dorothie events@chalfontsbeekeepers.co.uk