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Selling your Honey!

Dorothie Jones

1 Sept 2024

Honey for sale at Fetes and Fairs

If you have honey or other hive products for sale, this is how to go about it in 2024:

Honey and other hive products must be delivered directly to each event in advance of stall opening. Relevant timings for each event will be advertised in advance.


With your goods you will need to supply the following written information:-


  1. Your name and contact details (email and/or phone)


  2. Label name e.g. Chalfonts Honey

  3. Description of items– e.g. Honey Runny or Set, Honeycomb, Wax, Wraps etc

  4. Weight where appropriate and jar shape e.g. Round or Hex where appropriate.


  5. Number of jars, etc. of each product/weight.


To aid with this a new form can be downloaded - see bottom of this page.

This form is now editable online but a printed copy must accompany your goods 


You may supply your own info but small scraps of paper can easily be lost and are not helpful!!

We need accurate information so that we can ensure you are correctly paid.


Jars must be labelled correctly according to the Honey Regulations 2015.


An easier-to-follow guide may be found here:

Jars must be clean and dry, not sticky or dusty and within their best before date. Please ensure that the water content of your honey is below 20%.  This should be checked with a refractometer.  Honey with high water content is not suitable for sale due to the risk of fermentation.


We reserve the right to reject any unsuitable items on the day.


At the end of the event, you must come and collect your unsold jars or arrange for someone else to do so. We can no longer store unsold honey etc between events.


We will count how many jars each member has sold and work out how much you are owed. This will be paid by BACS into your bank account.  Ten percent (10%) will go to the club and this will be automatically deducted.


This year’s prices are under review. Check back soon. 2023 prices are below.



             1 lb     £9.00

             12 oz  £8.00

             8 oz   £6.00

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